Delegated Contracting Authority Information

Purchases made (either verbally or by written contract/PO) must be completed by an individual with contracting authority, no matter the dollar amount. The dollar amount determines the level of contracting authority required. If a purchase exceeds $50,000, a procurement process may need to be completed before the purchase.

Any purchase of goods, trade services, ad placements, or services from speakers or performers with engagements lasting less than a week, exceeding $10,000 must be documented by a written contract.

A written contract is required for all other categories of any dollar amount and must be completed by someone with Contracting Authority.

PCS Delegated Contracting Authority

There are two different levels of Delegated Contracting Authority (Level 1 & Level 2).

*Limitations of Delegated Contracting Authority (Level 1 & Level 2): Cannot include vendor terms and conditions. Work may not include unsupervised contact with minors, work outside the US, or services provided by a current employee.

Level 1 Contracting Authority (L1CA) is the authority to sign specific UO template contracts on behalf of the UO with a value of less than or equal to $10,000 using the following purchasing instruments:

  • UO Purchase Order
  • Invoice (purchases made via phone or in writing without a purchase order)
  • Banquet Event Orders under existing PCS approved contract
  • UO Purchase Order for Services

Any form contracts not listed above must be processed and signed by PCS, this includes all vendor contracts (contracts given to you by the vendor – including quotes requiring a signature).

Required training to obtain L1CA:

  • Procurement and Contracting for Goods and Services at UO

Level 2 Contracting Authority (L2CA) is the authority to sign specific UO template contracts on behalf of the UO with a value of with a value of less than or equal to $25,000 using the following purchasing instruments:

  • UO Purchase Order
  • UO Personal Services Contract
  • UO Facility Use Agreement
  • Banquet Event Order under an existing PCS approved contract
  • UO Incoming Property Loan Agreement

Any form contracts not listed above must be processed and signed by PCS, this includes all vendor contracts (contracts given to you by the vendor – including quotes requiring a signature).

Required training to obtain L2CA:

  • Procurement and Contracting for Goods and Services at UO
  • L2CA Contracts Training Queue (completed in the UO Purchasing Portal)

Purchases of goods under $250

For purchases of goods (only) under $250, Contracting Authority is not required to initiate (either verbally or online) so long as the purchase is reviewed and approved by someone with Level 1 Contracting Authority.

Purchases over $250 made (either verbally or by written contract/PO) must be completed by an individual with contracting authority. The dollar amount and type of contract determine the level of contracting authority required. If a purchase exceeds $50,000, a procurement process may need to be completed before the purchase.

Example: When a department ‘picks up food’.Someone with contracting authority must place an order on the phone, in person, or in writing. The contracting authority person should either:

  • Go to the physical location to place the order
  • Send another individual to the location with a written/signed contract (PO)
  • Place the order over the phone

Alternatively, an authorized PCard user can make the purchase, as long as it falls within the fiscal policy and has a clear business purpose. This does not exclude rules for having a contract if required (example: over $10,000). If there is a contract that was completed, the PCard can be used as a payment tool in lieu of paying via check.

Please Note: If the restaurant requires a signature (for example; on a catering agreement) then PCS must sign the contract. Individuals with Level 1 or Level 2 Contracting Authority cannot sign those type of agreements.

Frequently asked questions:

Procurement and Contracting for Goods and Services at UO (formally Purchasing Rules and Ethics, Procurement 101 and Procurement 102), L2CA Contracts Training Queue (completed in the UO Purchasing Portal)

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To register for a PCS training class, log into the UO Purchasing Portal and click the link titled ‘Register for a PCS Class’.

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Commitment of funds is the ability to review and approve an intended expenditure of department funds. It is an internal approval to proceed with a department purchase. The designation to commit funds is not delegated authority to sign contracts.

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A Budget Authority is a Dean, Director, or Department Head. They do NOT automatically have Delegated Contracting Authority to sign contracts or purchase orders. They automatically have the ability to Commit Funds for their department ONLY. If a Budget Authority wishes to delegate their commitment of funds authority, it is done internally within the department.

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A person with Delegated Contracting Authority has the ability to physically sign specific contracts on behalf of the University. There are two different levels of Delegated Contracting Authority (Level 1 & Level 2). Both levels of Delegated Contracting Authority require completion of Purchasing and Contracting Services annual training.

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