Getting Started

On this page, you will find a more in-depth description of each topic the title represents. Click on the title of interest below to be taken directly to the information.


This area is forms and examples that are approved to be used by individuals exercising their Level 1 or 2 Contracting Authority (L1CA & L2CA). If you have questions regarding obtaining L1 or L2CA see the Delegated Contracting Authority page.

The Procurement Card or PCard program is the university's department-issued credit card program. Find out requirements on how to obtain and manage a PCard!

A useful diagram showing the typical steps for a purchase of goods or services, from the initial decision to buy, through contract administration and renewal. Each step has additional information, including details about different types of competitive procurements.

 Each department/school on campus has a team of people at PCS helping them with their contracts. You can find out who would typically handle matters for your department. This list relies on the "3rd level" from the org hierarchy. For example, History is a 5th level under the College of Arts and Sciences, which is the 3rd level. For more information on org codes please visit Business Affairs chart of accounts page.

The buyer's list is an email listserv that was created to help communicate information that is relevant and helpful to people who are in a purchasing role or just would like more information about what PCS is doing. You can self-manage your subscription to the buyer's list.

PCS hosts a handful of trainings with topics that include how to purchase, rules, regulations, and other helpful information. We are working on adding new courses in an eLearning format in an effort to make training easier to fit into busy schedules.

PCS hosts a portal to manage contracts, purchase orders and procurements for your department purchases. You can also find historical data on contracts processed by PCS since 2016, with many filtering options to assist in finding the information you need.

Duck Depot is the university's eProcurement system. All items on Duck Depot have been competitively bid, meeting state and federal requirements. This means there is no need for a competitive procurement when purchasing items off of Duck Depot! A PCard specific to Duck Depot is used to make purchases in this system.